Basically, there are two types of such porcelain. the kuan type and the
commoners type.
The styles may also be
divided into the different emperors within Qing dynasty. The best pieces
are usually found in the reigns of the first six emperors and the last
three are generally regarded as inferior.
Enamelled porcelain really depends
on the skills of the artists in drawing the pictures on the body. the more
detailed they are, the better they are priced or value. Sometimes,
porcelain is combined with underglaze colours of just blue and white.
value of individual pieces is subjective. It depends on the style, the artistic
work as well as the firing process. However many commoner pieces have
designs on the body scraped off thus lowering the value of those pieces.
Nearing the beginning few decades of 20th century, there were many pieces
that were coloured in HK and then fired in central China before being
exported to US or other western countries. These are known as Kuang Cai in
Cantonese or Guang Cai in Mandarin or Rose Medallion pieces in English. Many
teacups, bowls and other utencils used in the Chinese tea are decorated in
this manner.
Enamel glazes have also been used on Yixing earthernware
teapots resulting in an interesting fusion of colours.